interface SupportableExactDecimalOptions {
    NaN: boolean;
    constrained: boolean;
    infinity: boolean;
    unconstrained: boolean;
    unsigned: boolean;
    zerofill: boolean;

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NaN: boolean

Whether NaN can be inserted in a column that uses this DataType.

constrained: boolean

Whether this dialect supports constrained numeric/decimal columns. i.e. columns where numeric values of any length can be stored.

infinity: boolean

Whether Infinity/-Infinity can be inserted in a column that uses this DataType.

unconstrained: boolean

Whether this dialect supports unconstrained numeric/decimal columns. i.e. columns where numeric values of any length can be stored. The SQL standard requires that "NUMERIC" with no option be equal to "NUMERIC(0,0)", but some dialects (postgres) interpret it as an unconstrained numeric.

unsigned: boolean

Whether this dialect supports the unsigned option natively

zerofill: boolean

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