The transaction object is used to identify a running transaction. It is created by calling Sequelize.transaction(). To run a query under a transaction, you should pass the transaction in the options object.





#afterCommitHooks: Set<TransactionCallback> = ...
#afterHooks: Set<TransactionCallback> = ...
#afterRollbackHooks: Set<TransactionCallback> = ...
#connection: undefined | Connection
#finished: undefined | "rollback" | "commit"
#name: string
#savepoints: Map<string, Transaction> = ...
id: string
parent: null | Transaction
sequelize: Sequelize


  • get ISOLATION_LEVELS(): typeof IsolationLevel
  • Isolation levels can be set per-transaction by passing options.isolationLevel to sequelize.transaction. Sequelize uses the default isolation level of the database, you can override this by passing options.isolationLevel in Sequelize constructor options.

    Pass in the desired level as the first argument:

    Returns typeof IsolationLevel


    try {
    const result = await sequelize.transaction({isolationLevel: Sequelize.Transaction.ISOLATION_LEVELS.SERIALIZABLE}, transaction => {
    // your transactions
    // transaction has been committed. Do something after the commit if required.
    } catch(err) {
    // do something with the err.


    use the IsolationLevel export

  • get LOCK(): typeof Lock
  • Possible options for row locking. Used in conjunction with find calls:

    Returns typeof Lock

    possible options for row locking


    // t1 is a transaction
    where: ...,
    transaction: t1,
    lock: t1.LOCK...

    Example: Postgres also supports specific locks while eager loading by using OF:

    where: ...,
    include: [TaskModel, ...],
    transaction: t1,
    lock: {
    level: t1.LOCK...,
    of: UserModel

    UserModel will be locked but TaskModel won't!

    Example: You can also skip locked rows:

    // t1 is a transaction
    where: ...,
    transaction: t1,
    lock: true,
    skipLocked: true

    The query will now return any rows that aren't locked by another transaction


    use the Lock export

  • get TYPES(): typeof TransactionType
  • Types can be set per-transaction by passing options.type to sequelize.transaction. Default to DEFERRED but you can override the default type by passing options.transactionType in new Sequelize. Sqlite only.

    Pass in the desired level as the first argument:

    Returns typeof TransactionType


    try {
    await sequelize.transaction({ type: Sequelize.Transaction.TYPES.EXCLUSIVE }, transaction => {
    // your transactions
    // transaction has been committed. Do something after the commit if required.
    } catch(err) {
    // do something with the err.


    use the TransactionType export


  • Kills the connection this transaction uses. Used as a last resort, for instance because COMMIT or ROLLBACK resulted in an error and the transaction is left in a broken state, and releasing the connection to the pool would be dangerous.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds a hook that is run after a transaction completes, no matter if it was committed or rolled back.


    Returns this

  • Called to acquire a connection to use and set the correct options on the connection. We should ensure all the environment that's set up is cleaned up in cleanup() below.

    Returns Promise<void>

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