type: GeoJsonTypeType of geometry data
srid: numberSRID of type
optionsWhere this DataType is being used.
_checkOverride this method to emit an error or a warning if the Data Type, as it is configured, is not compatible with the current dialect.
The dialect using this data type.
...args: ConstructorParameters<Constructor>Protected
Escapes a value for the purposes of inlining it in a SQL query. The resulting value will be inlined as-is with no further escaping.
The value to escape.
This method is called when AbstractQueryGenerator needs to add a bind parameter to a query it is building. This method allows for customizing both the SQL to add to the query, and convert the bind parameter value to a DB-compatible value.
If you only need to prepare the bind param value, implement toBindableValue instead.
This method must return the SQL to add to the query. You can obtain a bind parameter ID by calling BindParamOptions#bindParam with the value associated to that bind parameter.
An example of a data type that requires customizing the SQL is the GEOMETRY data type.
The value to bind.
Called when a value is retrieved from the Database, and its DataType is specified. Used to normalize values from the database.
Note: It is also possible to do an initial parsing of a Database value using AbstractDialect#registerDataTypeParser. That normalization uses the type ID from the database instead of a Sequelize Data Type to determine which parser to use, and is called before this method.
The value to parse.
Used to normalize a value when Model#set is called. That is, when a user sets a value on a Model instance.
Converts a JS value to a value compatible with the connector library for this Data Type. Unlike escape, this value does not need to be escaped. It is passed separately to the database, which will handle escaping.
The value to convert.
Returns this DataType, using its dialect-specific subclass.
toGenerated using TypeDoc
A column storing Geometry information. It is only available in PostgreSQL (with PostGIS), MariaDB or MySQL.
GeoJSON is accepted as input and returned as output.
In PostGIS, the GeoJSON is parsed using the PostGIS function
. In MySQL it is parsed using the functionSTGeomFromText
.Therefore, one can just follow the GeoJSON spec for handling geometry objects. See the following examples:
Fallback policy: If this type is not supported, an error will be raised.
Example: Defining a Geometry type attribute
Example: Create a new point
Example: Create a new linestring
Example: Create a new polygon
Example: Create a new point with a custom SRID