Association Scopes
This section concerns association scopes, not to be confused with model scopes.
Association scopes are a way to automatically apply default filters on associated models.
For instance, you could define an association from City
to Restaurant
with a scope that only returns restaurants that are open:
class City extends Model {
/** this association returns all restaurants */
@HasMany(() => Restaurant, 'cityId')
/** this association only returns open restaurants */
@HasMany(() => Restaurant, {
foreignKey: 'cityId',
scope: { status: 'open' },
class Restaurant extends Model {
const city = await City.findByPk(1);
// this will return all restaurants
const restaurants = await city.getRestaurants();
// this will return only open restaurants
const openRestaurants = await city.getOpenRestaurants();
This last query would roughly generate the following SQL:
SELECT * FROM `restaurants` WHERE `restaurants`.`status` = 'open' AND `restaurants`.`cityId` = 1;
BelongsToMany scope
All associations support specifying a scope to filter the target model, but the BelongsToMany
also supports specifying a scope to filter the join table. This is useful when you want to filter based on extra information
stored in the join table.
It is done by setting the through.scope
Here is a simple example. We want to store which person worked on a game, but we also want to store the role they had in its creation:
class GameAuthor extends Model {
class Person extends Model {}
class Game extends Model {
/** This association will list everyone that worked on the game */
@BelongsToMany(() => Person, {
through: GameAuthor
In the above example, we can use the allAuthors
association to list everyone that worked on the game, but we can
also add other associations to filter the authors based on their role:
class Game extends Model {
/** This association will list everyone that worked on the game */
@BelongsToMany(() => Person, {
through: GameAuthor,
foreignKey: 'gameId',
otherKey: 'personId',
/** This association will list everyone that worked on the game as a programmer */
@BelongsToMany(() => Person, {
through: {
model: GameAuthor,
foreignKey: 'gameId',
otherKey: 'personId',
scope: { role: 'programmer' },
/** This association will list everyone that worked on the game as a designer */
@BelongsToMany(() => Person, {
through: {
model: GameAuthor,
foreignKey: 'gameId',
otherKey: 'personId',
scope: { role: 'designer' },
const game = await Game.findByPk(1);
// this will return all authors
const allAuthors = await game.getAllAuthors();
// this will return only programmers
const programmers = await game.getProgrammers();
// this will return only designers
const designers = await game.getDesigners();